20% Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin for Maintenance Treatment in Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (PATH): a Randomized, Double-blind, Placebo-controlled, Phase 3 Trial
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  • CIDP
Learn about the PATH study results and SCIG (subcutaneous immunoglobulin) treatment in CIDP
Subcutaneous Immunoglobulins (SCIg) in Responders to Intravenous Immunoglobulins (IVIg) with Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyradiculoneuropathy (CIDP) and Multifocal Motor Neuropathy (MMN)
PDF | 2.3 MB
  • CIDP
  • MMN

Hear why SCIg may be a better option for long-term treatment of patients on Immunoglobulin therapy with difficult venous access.

The GRIPPER study: Quantifying IVIG Treatment-Related Fluctuations in CIDP Using Daily Grip Strength Measurements
PDF | 2.35 MB
  • CIDP
Learn more about grip strength as an outcome measure in CIDP and how it is utilized in the Gripper Study as a daily measure of treatment-related fluctuations in IVIg-treated patients.
IgG Levels and Wear Off Reflect Administration and Outcome
PDF | 1.5 MB
  • CIDP
  • GBS
Learn more about how IgG levels and their wear off reflect treatment administration and outcomes in individual IVIG- or SCIG-treated patients with immunodeficiency and peripheral inflammatory neuropathy disorders.
Pathogenesis and Mechanism of Action of Inflammatory Neuropathies
PDF | 680 KB
  • CIDP
  • GBS
  • MMN

Find out what pathogenic processes are involved in acute and chronic inflammatory neuropathies, including GBS, CIDP, and MMN.

Consistency Over Time of Strength and Disability Measurements in Patients with CIDP on Stable IgG Therapy
PDF | 250 KB
  • CIDP

Hear the results of a study to understand wear-off effects in CIDP patients during IVIg therapy.

Clinical Studies for the Treatment of CIDP with Immunoglobulin
PDF | 421 KB
  • CIDP

Learn about clinical studies for the treatment of CIDP with immunoglobulin.

Restabilization of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy patients with IVIG: restabilization phase of the PATH study
PDF | 0.98 MB
  • CIDP
Learn about the Restabilization Phase of the PATH Trial with IVIG in CIDP patients
Optimizing IgG Therapy in Chronic Autoimmune Neuropathies
PDF | 3.4 MB
  • CIDP
  • MMN
Review options for individualizing treatment and tools used to assess IgG performance
Overview and Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP)
PDF | 656 KB
  • CIDP

Learn more about the mechanism of action, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of CIDP.

Fatigue in CIDP
PDF | 1.23 MB
  • CIDP
Engage in a presentation on the comparison between active and remission disease states in CIDP.
Improving CIDP Diagnosis: The Challenges of Under and Over Diagnosis
PDF | 2 MB
  • CIDP
Understand the challenges associated with accurately diagnosing CIDP
Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS): Typical and Atypical Clinical Presentations
PDF | 2.2 MB
  • CIDP
  • GBS
Learn more about the importance of understanding typical and atypical presentations of GBS, including features of clinically distinct variants and subtypes, proper diagnosis, and initiation of appropriate treatment.
Clinical Studies for the Treatment of CIDP with Immunoglobulin
PDF | 396 KB
  • CIDP

Discover the results of two recent clinical studies of IVIg treatments for CIDP.

Dosing Schedules for IVIg: The Use of an Algorithm as a Suggestion for Personalized Dosing
PDF | 1.4 MB
  • CIDP

Learn how an algorithm could be used to personalize dosing schedules for IVIg.

Incidence of GBS and CIDP Following Influenza Vaccination
PDF | 155 KB
  • CIDP
  • GBS

Gain an understanding of the existing surveillance data, studies and facts associated with the influenza vaccine as it relates to GBS and CIDP.

20% Subcutaneous Immunoglobulin for Maintenance Treatment in Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Poly...
Learn about the PATH study results and SCIG (subcutaneous immunoglobulin) treatment in CIDP
Subcutaneous Immunoglobulins (SCIg) in Responders to Intravenous Immunoglobulins (IVIg) with Chronic...

Hear why SCIg may be a better option for long-term treatment of patients on Immunoglobulin therapy with difficult venous access.

The GRIPPER study: Quantifying IVIG Treatment-Related Fluctuations in CIDP Using Daily Grip Strength...
Learn more about grip strength as an outcome measure in CIDP and how it is utilized in the Gripper Study as a daily measure of treatment-related fluctuations in IVIg-treated patients.
IgG Levels and Wear Off Reflect Administration and Outcome
Learn more about how IgG levels and their wear off reflect treatment administration and outcomes in individual IVIG- or SCIG-treated patients with immunodeficiency and peripheral inflammatory neuropathy disorders.
Pathogenesis and Mechanism of Action of Inflammatory Neuropathies

Find out what pathogenic processes are involved in acute and chronic inflammatory neuropathies, including GBS, CIDP, and MMN.

Consistency Over Time of Strength and Disability Measurements in Patients with CIDP on Stable IgG Th...

Hear the results of a study to understand wear-off effects in CIDP patients during IVIg therapy.

Clinical Studies for the Treatment of CIDP with Immunoglobulin

Learn about clinical studies for the treatment of CIDP with immunoglobulin.

Restabilization of chronic inflammatory demyelinating polyneuropathy patients with IVIG: restabiliza...
Learn about the Restabilization Phase of the PATH Trial with IVIG in CIDP patients
Optimizing IgG Therapy in Chronic Autoimmune Neuropathies
Review options for individualizing treatment and tools used to assess IgG performance
Overview and Treatment of Chronic Inflammatory Demyelinating Polyneuropathy (CIDP)

Learn more about the mechanism of action, symptoms, diagnosis, and treatment of CIDP.

Fatigue in CIDP
Engage in a presentation on the comparison between active and remission disease states in CIDP.
Improving CIDP Diagnosis: The Challenges of Under and Over Diagnosis
Understand the challenges associated with accurately diagnosing CIDP
Guillain-Barre Syndrome (GBS): Typical and Atypical Clinical Presentations
Learn more about the importance of understanding typical and atypical presentations of GBS, including features of clinically distinct variants and subtypes, proper diagnosis, and initiation of appropriate treatment.
Clinical Studies for the Treatment of CIDP with Immunoglobulin

Discover the results of two recent clinical studies of IVIg treatments for CIDP.

Dosing Schedules for IVIg: The Use of an Algorithm as a Suggestion for Personalized Dosing

Learn how an algorithm could be used to personalize dosing schedules for IVIg.

Incidence of GBS and CIDP Following Influenza Vaccination

Gain an understanding of the existing surveillance data, studies and facts associated with the influenza vaccine as it relates to GBS and CIDP.

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